Fresh baby vegetable of Sweet veggie

Baby Vegetables Grown with Passion and Care

Looking for fresh, tender and full of flavour baby vegetables? Sweet Veggie is your best option! We are pioneers in the production of baby vegetables in Spain, offering a range of products that will transform your dishes and make you enjoy cooking in a new and healthy way.

Our range of Baby Products:

  • Baby Carrots with Tops: Crisp and sweet, these baby carrots are perfect for snacking and gourmet presentations. Their green leaves are an indicator of freshness and can be used in a variety of dishes.
  • Baby Rainbow Carrots: A rainbow of colours and flavours, from purple to yellow. Ideal for adding a visual and nutritious touch to salads and other dishes.
  • Baby Fennel: With a mild aniseed flavour, perfect for salads or cooked to bring out its sweetness. Its fronds are ideal for decorating and flavouring your dishes.
  • Baby Leeks: Tender and sweet, perfect for sautéing or grilling. Their mild onion flavour makes them a versatile ingredient in the kitchen.
  • Baby Courgettes: Tender in texture and delicate in flavour, ideal for grilling, sautéing or eating raw. Their compact size makes them perfect for gourmet dishes.
  • Baby Beetroot: Sweet and tender, with vibrant colours ranging from deep red to golden yellow. Perfect for salads or pickles, their small size makes them very attractive.
  • Baby Turnips: Mild in flavour and crunchy in texture, ideal for grilling, boiling or eating raw in salads. Their delicate flavour makes them a delicious addition to both rustic and refined dishes.

Sweet Veggie, Commitment to Quality

At Sweet Veggie, we are dedicated to growing baby greens with the utmost care, guaranteeing freshness and flavour in every one of our products.

Ideas for incorporating them into your kitchen:

  • Salads: Add a touch of colour and flavour with our variety of baby vegetables.
  • Healthy Snacks: Perfect to enjoy at any time, alone or with your favourite sauces.
  • Garnishes: Enhance your main dishes with the freshness and flavour of our baby products.
  • Main Dishes: Use our baby vegetables in stir-fries, roasts or any recipe you like.

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